Local and Global Projects
Evergreen Carbon provides offsets from numerous project types located locally and
globally. Your offset portfolio can contain carbon credits from one or more projects. We
are committed to supporting sustainable development projects that have co-benefits,
such as reducing hunger, advancing educational opportunities, clean water and
sanitation, environmental restoration, and sustainable economic development, among
other Sustainable Development Goals.
What is a Carbon Credit?
A carbon credit is a unit of exchange that businesses, organizations, and individuals can
use to offset their greenhouse gas emissions. One carbon credit is equivalent to one
metric ton of greenhouse gases removed from the atmosphere. A carbon credit and a
carbon offset are synonymous terminology.
How do Carbon Credits work?
Evergreen Carbon projects are real projects that are independently verified. All credits
under these registries have controls to make sure that every carbon credit is verified to
make it permanent. One carbon credit is a unique, independently verified reduction of
greenhouse gases (GHGs) traceable back to the carbon project that generated the
emission reduction. Learn more: Carbon Offset Basics.
What types of projects do Carbon Credits fund?
Carbon offset projects come in many forms and are located all over the world. Project
types include forestry and other land use projects, emission reductions in industrial
processes, methane capture and destruction from under regulated landfills, and through
digesters located on dairy farms. Carbon capture and storage of emissions from fossil
fuel combustion is another project type. Energy efficiency and renewable energy is a
project type that is fast becoming business as usual. You can choose to purchase and
retire credits from a single project or buy credits in a portfolio that distributes your
emission reduction funds across multiple projects.
Here are some projects we are currently working with:
Cordillera Azul National Park, Peru

The Cordillera Azul National Park Project in the Peruvian Amazon is
home to a rich, diverse and rare biosphere. As with so much sensitive
land in the Amazon and other parts of the world, it is under threat from
rogue groups looking to poach not just the rare wildlife, but the very
valuable trees in this national park.
While the land itself is legally protected from development by a
Supreme Decree of the Peruvian government, without active
management and protection it would remain at risk of poaching, illegal
harvesting and incursion. This protection is provided by a separate
organization — Centro de Conservación, Investigación y Manejo de
Areas Naturales (CIMA) Cordillera Azul Lima — which relies on carbon
finance from the sale of carbon credits to ensure the carbon benefits of
this beautiful land are not lost.
Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve, Indonesia

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve project, an initiative by InfiniteEARTH, aims to
reduce Indonesia’s emissions by preserving some 64,000 hectares of tropical peat
swamp forest. This area, rich in biodiversity, includes the endangered Bornean
orangutan. The project area was slated by the Provincial government to be
converted into four palm oil estates, and is now preserved in perpetuity. Located on
the southern coast of Borneo in the province of Central Kalimantan, the project is
designed to protect the integrity of the adjacent world-renowned Tanjung Puting
National Park by creating a physical buffer zone on the full extent of the ~90km
eastern border of the park. This REDD+ project is also certified to the Verra Climate,
Community and Biodiversity (CCB) standard.
Visit evergreencarbon.com to learn more